On My Holds List


My library system recently bumped up the holds limit from five items per patron to ten items per patron. Of course, the day it went into effect I went crazy and reached the new limit pretty quickly. Most of the items I added to my list have a status of ‘on order’ – books that I’ve seen on Early Word or BookPage or the Random Revelations brochure that are set for release in late spring/summer. Here are some of the books I’m looking forward to getting in the next few months:

  • Someday, Someday Maybe by Lauren Graham – I’m not a huge, zealous fan of Gilmore Girls, but I do enjoy the show and can imagine that this novel by the actress who plays Lorelai Gilmore (now in Parenthood) will be charming and funny.
  •  The Engagements by J. Courtney Sullivan – I haven’t read anything by Sullivan, but I always like the sound of her books and I love reading about marriage.
  • Sight Reading by Daphne Kalotay – I got a few chapters into Kalotay’s first book, Russian Winter, before I realized that it wasn’t for me. I liked her writing, however, and am willing to give her another try.
  • Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld – I love Sittenfeld’s novels and have been following her career since Prep came out. She is one of those authors who has my loyalty for the duration.
  •  The Lovebird by Natalie Brown – This debut sounds quirky and sweet and I think the cover is beautiful.

What do you currently have on hold? What are looking forward to seeing published this summer?

22 thoughts on “On My Holds List

  1. What a great post idea! I might have to borrow this some time 😉
    I’m looking forward to Life After Life, but have a feeling I’ll be on that hold list for quite some time.


    1. Feel free to borrow – I love to see what people have on hold!
      Life After Life has lots of holds at my library and I am glad to see that – it truly deserves its popularity.


  2. How exciting to have your hold limit increased! I had no idea Lauren Graham had written a book (not quite sure what I think about that) and am excited to hear that Curtis Sittenfeld has a new title coming out soon. I’ll have to get myself on my own library’s hold list for that one.


    1. Yes, I feel a bit ambivalent about the Graham book, but I’ll give it a go. And I am very excited for the Sittenfeld book – I’m glad I’m first on the list!


  3. Our limit is 15, at least with the county library system. I had a bunch on hold during the TBR dare that are all coming in at once!

    I’m intrigued by Lauren Graham’s book. I’m another who didn’t know she had written anything.


  4. I haven’t heard of any of these so will have to check them out. I try not to put too many on hold because they tend to all come at once and my library pile becomes too much to handle. Right now I have on hold Sophie Hannah’s The Carrier and Z – a novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler – have a feeling they will both turn up next week.


    1. That happens to me, too! I usually have to give something up to the next reader and it is usually a hard choice. I didn’t know Sophie Hannah has a new book coming out – I will keep on the lookout for that.


  5. My library allows 30 holds at a time. It’s WONDERFUL but it can lead to me getting overwhelmed with books….

    I’ll be interested to see what you think of Sisterland as like you, I loved Prep. I still have American Wife to read at some point. The Lovebird looks interesting, what a lovely cover.


    1. Thirty! That is brilliant, but my library would never do it. We don’t have enough room on the shelves or enough staff to process all the items 😦

      American Wife is really good – I highly recommend it!


  6. I haven’t reserved or taken out of my local library for ages! I’ve stopped because I just have too much on my shelves and kindle to begin already. I hope your reserved books come through soon and that you enjoy them.


  7. I have no idea how many I’m allowed to reserve but the most I’ve had is five. I’ve just picked up Raven Black by Ann Cleeves and Losing Ground by Catherine Aird. I’m still waiting on Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos, Henrietta’s War and Henrietta Sees It Through by Joyce Dennys. All blogger recommendations but I have 100s of books of my own which I should be reading – no exaggeration!


    1. I thought I owned a lot of books, but I’m beginning to realize that I don’t really, compared to other bloggers! I only have 2 small bookcases full as opposed to the rooms upon rooms that some people have filled with books. I’d better start shopping 🙂


  8. All of these books sound good, but probably the one that is most interesting to me is the Curtis Sittenfeld, since I have read and enjoyed her in the past. Have you read The Innocents by Francesca Segal? Really good!


    1. I did read The Innocents! I absolutely loved it and thought it was a wonderful ode to Wharton’s book. It’s probably one of the best books I’ve read this year.


      1. I love that your blog is called Gudrun’s Tights. I, too, was very charmed by her colorful stockings when I read Women in Love. Thanks for including The Lovebird among these other great books. I hope you like it!


      2. Natalie, I haven’t had a chance to read The Lovebird yet, but it is on my summer reading list. I’m looking forward to it!


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